New Campers

New Users
You are about to create a login for your household.

  • One Login = One Household
    • Login Name (your email is acceptable)
    • Valid Email (cannot be used for two logins)
    • Cell Phone (for unlocking your account)
    • Your Name
    • A security question (for unlocking your account)
  • The first information is YOU – the parent or adult camper.
    • The name here MUST match the login name.
    • Do not add the same address/phone as multiple types.
    • Address – one required (choose “permanent” or “mailing”)
    • Phone – one required
      • If your home phone is a cell phone, choose “cell”
      • Do you enter the same number as home/cell/etc.
  • Add at least one camper.
  • CONTACTS that exist in the registration program cannot be linked by online users. We will link them for you in the office.
    • Send a message to with the camper name, contact name, and relationship to the camper.
    • We can link the parents of friends in your carpool, folks from your church, or anybody that has a camp record as a contact for your camper.
    • We can link relatives that are contacts for other campers.
    • Again, help us to avoid creating duplicate records.
  • Registration shows only sessions that match the camper’s age, grade, and gender. Exceptions are few and must be done by the office staff.
  • Online forms are not erased (other than signatures) so when you return next year or for another event there is less for you to complete.
    • The ALLERGIES button allows you to add Medication, Environmental, and Food allergies. Special Diets are listed with food allergies.
    • The PRES MEDS button is for you to list medications that you are sending with the camper. Meds must be in their original container to be dispensed by the nurse. You may update this list at any time.
    • The OTC button is to permit the nurse to dispense pre-approved over-the-counter meds. If you fail to complete this, the nurse must call to get permission.
    • You will get a reminder a few weeks before camp to check the healthcare forms.
  • BUDDY is found under the optional tabs. There are spaces for two, but we can only promise to keep two campers together that are the same age and who have requested each other.
  • One Way Messaging prints all messages received in a single day on one page per camper. You will get an email closer to camp arrival that explains how to access this. This does not send a message to the office. Messages are printed Monday through Friday only.
  • PURCHASES When you register you will pass through the purchase page. You can come back here later, closer to arrival. Pre-purchased items are paid from the spending account before funds are available for Snak Shak. A free cabin photo is provided for all campers. The photos on the purchase page are an entire set of cabins, staff, speaker, and director. The USB contains digital photos including the prints in the set, the Friday video or slide show, and for some camps it may have audio recordings of the chapel sessions. You can also pre-purchase camp shirts and flashlights.